Regulation of Operation

Article 1

General Principles-Legal and Institutional framework

The Doctoral Studies of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Western Macedonia aim to promote Knowledge through original scientific research and lead to the acquisition of a Doctoral Degree. The Doctorate Diploma is an academic title, which certifies the preparation of original scientific research and the essential contribution of the holder to the development of science and knowledge in the respective scientific field.

The implementation of the Regulation is one of the necessary conditions for the smooth development and successful completion of a high-level doctoral research project. This Regulation reflects the structure and operating rules of the Doctoral Studies Program of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Western Macedonia, as established by the decision of the Department's Assembly (number /xx-x-2023).

The Doctoral Studies Program (P.D.S.) of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is organized and operates in accordance with the provisions of Law 4957/2022, the relevant provisions and decisions in force and the Regulation of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Programs of U.O.W.M.(Government Gazette 4827 t. B΄/01-08-2023) 

Article 2

Doctoral Studies Program

The Department provides P.D.S. in the English language.

The Ph.D. program includes a structured curriculum of courses and other educational and research activities, with learning outcomes specified at the program level. Completing the Ph.D. program requires 180 ECTS credits, distributed across the following activities:

  1. Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D. thesis): 60 ECTS credits.
  2. Two publications in international journals ranked in Q1, Q2, or Q3 categories in SCIMAGO (SCOPUS): 30 ECTS credits each.
  3. Scientific paper and presentation at an international peer-reviewed conference (Proceedings): 30 ECTS credits.
  4. Mandatory 39-hour doctoral-level course “Research Methodology”: 6 ECTS credits.
  5. Additional requirements for Ph.D. candidates, such as interim deliverables and periodic progress reports from supervisors.
  6. Other educational or research activities: 24 ECTS credits.

Specifically, the required 24 ECTS credits can be earned from the following activities:

  • Doctoral level elective courses: 6 credits (per course). Courses are chosen in consultation with the supervisor. The list of available doctoral level courses is approved by the Department Assembly and updated when deemed necessary.
  • Teaching assistance in undergraduate courses: 3 ECTS per semester (can be chosen up to 4 times). The Department’s Assembly confirms teaching assistance assignments.
  • Literature review: 6 ECTS (can be chosen once), confirmed by the supervisor upon successful completion.
  • Presentation of research results at the University of Western Macedonia: 2 ECTS per presentation (can be chosen up to 3 times). The successful completion of the specific activity is confirmed by the supervisor.
  • Two lectures at universities of the country or in the context of summer school ( summer school ) in the homeland. The lecture plan must be approved by the supervising professor : 6 ECTS (can be chosen once). The successful completion of the specific activity is confirmed by the supervisor , after the presentation of the relevant certificate-justifications.
  • A lecture at a university abroad or as part of a summer school ( summer school ) abroad. The proposal plan must be approved by the supervising professor : 6 ECTS (can be chosen once) . The successful completion of the specific activity is confirmed by the supervisor, after the presentation of the relevant certificate-justifications.
  • Courses of free choice from the Institutional Catalogue:
    • E.g. "Gender Equality", "Sustainable Development": up to 6 ECTS.

* The two (2) publications in international scientific journals, belonging to one of the Q1, Q2 or Q3 categories of SCIMAGO (SCOPUS), will only be accepted if:

a. The Ph.D. candidate is the first author.

b. The supervising professor is listed as a co-author.

c. The number of participants in the publication does not exceed five (5) people.

c1. In the event that the number of participants in the publication exceeds five (5) people, the PhD student should be the first name in at least four (4) publications, where the supervisor/supervising professor will also be found, with a topic originating from the D.D. in a prestigious, international journal belonging to one of SCIMAGO's Q1, Q2 or Q3 categories (SCOPUS).

d. The two (2) published scientific articles do not belong to the bibliographic review category ( survey / review articles ).

 The organized P.D.S. with learning results and credit points concerns the Y.D. which will be registered in it after the approval and publication in the Government Gazette of this regulation.

Article 3

Right to apply

Right to submit an application for the preparation of a D.D. in the P.D.S. have those who meet the following conditions:

  • They hold a degree from a Higher Education Institution (A.E.I.) in Greece or from a recognized Higher Education Institution abroad.

2) They are holders of M.D.E. which has been granted by a Higher Educational Institution (HEI) of the country or abroad, or a graduate of an undergraduate study program (P.P.S.) of an HEI. for a minimum duration of five years corresponding to three hundred (300) credits of the European System of Transfer and Accumulation of Academic Credits ( ECTS ).

3) They hold a certification of good knowledge of the English language at B2 level.

4) In the case of graduates from P.P.S. FOREVER. for a minimum duration of five years corresponding to three hundred (300) credits of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System ( ECTS ), the graduation grade must be at least six and a half (6.5) on the 0-10 scale. Alternatively, candidates in this category must (a) be documented to be in the top 50% of the degree ranking among graduates in the same year of enrollment in their Department of graduation, or (b) have at least one publication in subject related to the subject of the D.D., in an international peer-reviewed scientific journal or announcement at an international peer-reviewed scientific conference.

5) In the remaining cases, the weighted average of the graduation grade from the P.P.S. FOREVER. and the degree of M.D.E. must be at least a six and a half (6.5) on a scale of 0-10. The weighted average is calculated as follows:

where EP is the minimum number of semesters of study at the P.P.S., BP is the graduation grade from the P.P.S., EM is the minimum number of semesters of study at the M.D.E. curriculum. and BM is the degree of graduation from the study program of the M.D.E. Alternatively, the candidates of this category must (a) be documented in the upper 50% of the ranking based on the grade of the M.D.E. between of the graduates with the same year of enrollment in the M.D.E. curriculum, or (b) have at least one publication in a related subject to the subject of the D.D., in an international peer-reviewed scientific journal or an announcement in an international scientific journal conference with judges.

The selection of Y.D. is carried out by decision of the Assembly of the Department.

Article 4

Candidate selection procedure

  1. Announcement for the selection of Y.D. in the P.D.S. takes place once every academic year, during the months of September - November or whenever the Department Assembly deems appropriate. The job announcements are posted on the Department's website. The notices define:
  • the time period for submission of applications,
  • the fields of knowledge in which the candidates can prepare D.D. as well as the number of admissions per academic field,
  • the supporting documents that will accompany the application.
  1. Any interested party who meets the conditions of the Doctoral Studies Regulations may submit an application to the Department Assembly for the preparation of a D.D. The application includes at least the following information:
  • proposed field/title of the D.D.,
  • a short memorandum with the subject to be dealt with by the D.D.,
  • proposed supervisor of the D.D. , whose subject matter or scientific work is related to that of the D.D. to be prepared.

The application is accompanied by a detailed CV of the candidate, as well as the following documents/justifications:

1) Detailed CV. 2) Degrees. 3) Certificates of parity and correspondence from D.O.A.T.A.P., where required. 4) Certificate of Analytical Score of undergraduate and/or postgraduate studies. 5) Proof of knowledge of foreign languages, including proof of good knowledge of the English language at level B2. 6) At least two letters of recommendation. 7) Two-page proposal for preparing D.D. The proposal includes the title of the thesis, a general presentation of the research object and a representative bibliography. 8) Any other element that contributes to a more complete evaluation of the candidates (e.g. evidence of research activity, distinctions, evidence of previous service, etc. ).

The Assembly of the Department, after taking into account the submitted applications, categorizes them based on the relevance of the research object and appoints three-member committees per application category, consisting of D.E.P. Members. of the Department. The committees examine all the documents submitted with the application and invite the candidate to an interview. Subsequently, the committees draw up a detailed memorandum, in which the reasons why each candidate meets or does not meet the conditions in order to be accepted are written and they submit it to the Assembly. If the candidate does not propose a supervising professor in his/her application , the competent committee undertakes to propose the appropriate one and submits it for approval by the Assembly.

The Department Assembly considers the committee's memorandum with the opinion of the proposed supervisor and approves or rejects the candidate's application with reasons.

In the same decision, the conditions may be defined, such as the parallel attendance of courses, obligations related to scientific research, etc.

Article 5

Publication of admissions

After the appointment by the Department's Assembly of the Three-member Advisory Committee, the names of the Directors are posted on the Department's website. and the members of the Three-member Advisory Committee, the title and a brief summary of the D.D. Also, all the titles of the publications of the Department are posted on the website of the Department. in scientific journals and conferences throughout the D.D. his her.

Article 6

Language of Doctoral Dissertation

The writing language of D.D. is English, which the PhD Student is certified to know.

Article 7

Change title/subject

Change of the title/knowledge object of the D.D. can be done after a documented recommendation of the Three-member Advisory Committee and approval by the Department's Assembly.

Article 8

Time duration of preparing a Doctoral Dissertation

The duration for the preparation of the D.D. may not be less than three (3) full calendar years from the date of appointment of the Three-member Advisory Committee. As the maximum duration of completion of the D.D. six (6) calendar years are defined.

Article 9

Obligations and rights of doctoral candidates/ρισσών

During the preparation of the D.D. and before its support, Y.D. have the following obligations:

1) To cooperate with the supervisor and the members of the Three-Member Advisory Committee to support the preparation of their D.D. .

2) To submit in writing a detailed memorandum of progress of the D.D. them on an annual basis to the Three-member Advisory Committee and to present orally its progress.

3) To provide auxiliary teaching work according to the needs of the First and Second Cycle Programs of the Department, upon the suggestion of the supervisor , as well as auxiliary administrative work in the Department, e.g. surveillances.

4) Submit to the Secretariat before the start of the D.D. support process. a responsible statement that their work has been prepared by them and does not contain elements of plagiarism.

5) To respect and abide by the decisions of the bodies of the Department and the P.D.M.

The non-compliance with all of the above without a serious and documented justification, as well as a) the violation of the written provisions regarding the treatment of disciplinary offenses by the competent disciplinary bodies and b) offenses that fall under the law on intellectual property (law 2121/1993) during the writing of the D.D., they constitute grounds for deleting the D.D. from the Third Cycle of Studies.

During the preparation of the D.D. and before its support , PhD candidates have the rights of P.M.S students and any other right defined by the Doctoral Studies Regulations . The Y.D. may participate in research projects/programmes of A.E.I. and receive scholarships in the context of co-financed, self-financed or other projects/programs for the financial support of their doctoral research.

Article 10

Award of scholarships/reciprocal scholarships - Criteria

The University of Western Macedonia (P.D.M.) may provide scholarships to Y.D. with criteria of excellence and the purpose of rewarding them, as well as remunerative scholarships for project provision or for participation in research and development projects.

The scholarships can be covered either by the reserves of the Special Research Funds Account or by resources of self-financed programs of the P.D.M., or by funding of research and/or development programs (which are financed by private, international and own resources of article 230 of Law 4957/2022, as well as co-financed projects of the Corporate Agreement for the Development Framework (E.S.P.A.), either from sponsorships, or from donations of legal and natural persons, or from resources of the Departments.

After an invitation, Y.D. who meet the terms and conditions, submit an application with the necessary supporting documents for the grant of a scholarship.

Depending on the funding source of the scholarships, the bodies responsible for the scholarship selection process are defined (e.g. Special Research Funds Account (SRA), Departmental Assembly, etc.).

a) Excellence Scholarships

The selection criteria for the Excellence Scholarships are:

  • progress report/recommendation from the Tripartite Advisory Committee
  • research project
  • publications
  • contribution to the educational/laboratory/research project of their Department
  • individual or family financial situation

b) Reciprocal scholarships

 The academic scholar must:

  • to offer work from forty (40) hours to eighty (80) hours per month at the School or Department where he/she is enrolled, if requested,
  • to observe the rules set by the School or the Department regarding his/her attendance,
  • to meet the deadlines for the submission of all the supporting documents for the performance of the scholarship.

In the event that behavior incompatible with the status of an academic scholarship is found, the relevant bodies immediately terminate the scholarship.

Administration process

The scholarship is paid in installments to the beneficiary, after a written confirmation stating the exact number of hours of attendance.

The certificate is signed by the Dean of the School or the President of the Department where the scholarship holder is studying and sealed by the Secretariat of the School or Department.

Selection criteria for return scholarships:

  • progress report/recommendation from the Tripartite Advisory Committee
  • research project
  • publications
  • contribution to the educational/laboratory/research project of their Department
  • individual or family financial situation
  • social criteria (such as orphans, multiple children, three children , serious health reasons, disabled, single-parent family, student siblings/ three in another city, etc.).

The maximum amount of remunerative scholarships amounts to €650 for 80 hours.

By decision of the Department's Assembly, assistant teaching staff may be assigned an hourly remuneration in First and Second Cycle Study Programs.

Auxiliary teaching work is defined as assisting the Members of the Teaching Research Staff (D.E.P.) in carrying out their teaching work, conducting tutorials, laboratory exercises, supervising exams and correcting exercises.

The upper limit of hourly remuneration, which is borne exclusively by private, own and international resources of the Foundation, is €8.12/hour.

Article 11

Procedure for assigning an auxiliary teaching project to PhD candidates/ reses of the U.O.W.M.and hourly wage cap

Οι Υ.Δ. συμμετέχουν στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία με την παροχή επικουρικού έργου, υποστηρίζοντας φοιτητές/τριες του Π.Π.Σ. και των Π.Μ.Σ. του Τμήματος, ειδικότερα:

  • examination supervision
  • participation in tutorials
  • participation in workshops
  • participation in course preparation and support
  • curation of teaching materials
  • correction of assignments and exercises
  • co-supervision of Master's Theses with the supervisor , without participation in the final evaluation.

The supervision of the examinations of each examination period according to the program drawn up by the Assembly of the Department is mandatory. Y.D. is obliged to be informed on his/her own responsibility about the supervision program by the Department Secretariat in each examination period. In the event of an obstacle, he must find a replacement and inform the responsible member of the D.E.P. for the name of his/her replacement.

By decision of the Senate it is possible to be paid up to three Y.D. per Department for the auxiliary work they provide with remunerative scholarships. The auxiliary project with compensation is announced by the Department and the selection of the Y.D. who provide it is done by decision of the Department's Assembly. The criteria on the basis of which the candidates will be selected are stated in the announcement. The criteria are decided by the Assembly and must be academic or social. The announcement is made by the Assembly of the Department. The names of the Y.D. that provide auxiliary work are listed in the Course Schedule. In the event that the auxiliary teaching project has been decided by the Department that it will be provided through a remunerative scholarship, the remuneration and the maximum employment limit of the PhDs/ Rissas for this project is set at 12 euros per hour and 20 hours per week respectively.

In any case, this overall employment must not, under the responsibility of the supervising professor , distract the candidates from their basic obligations.

Article 12

Conditions for the possibility of suspension and resumption of studies

By decision of the Assembly of the Department, the maximum duration of preparation of the D.D. may be extended, at the request of the D.D. and with the consent of the three-member advisory committee for an important reason. The maximum duration of the extension is set at three (3) years, upon justification.

Y.D. may, as long as he has not exceeded the maximum duration of studies, request, with a sufficiently justified application, suspension of studies for up to two (2) years in total.

Article 13

Supervision of doctoral theses

Right to supervise D.D. they have:

a) The members of D.E.P. first grade, deputy and assistant of the relevant or other A.E.I.

b) Level A, B or C researchers from research centers of Article 13A of Law 4310/2014 and the provisions of Article 39.1 of Law 4485/2017, including the research centers of the Academy of Athens and the Medical Biological Research Foundation of Academy of Athens.

c) Emeritus Professors and retired members of the D.E.P.

In any case, a PhD is required. Each member of D.E.P. may supervise a total of ten (10) DDs, either with supervision or with co-supervision . In the case of co-supervision , a Special Cooperation Protocol is drawn up between the cooperating Departments.

Three-member Advisory Committee

a) The Assembly of the Department entrusts the proposed supervisor with the supervision of the D.D. and appoints a three-member Advisory Committee, which is responsible for framing and supporting the preparation and writing of the D.D.

b) The members of the Three-member Advisory Committee have either the same or a related subject, or the same or a related scientific project with the D.D. to be prepared. The supervisor and the members of the Three-Member Advisory Committee are not entitled to remuneration or other compensation for supporting the preparation of the D.D.

c) The members of the Three-member Advisory Committee may, in accordance with article 94, par. 1 of Law 4957/2022, be members of D.E.P. of each level of the Department or other Departments of the same or another A.E.I., Emeritus Professors and retired members of the Faculty of Education, members of Teaching Research Staff at Higher Military Educational Institutions and Higher Ecclesiastical Academies, or Professors of institutions recognized as cognate abroad who hold a doctoral degree, researchers of grades A, B or C from research centers of article 94.1 of Law 4957 /2022, including the research centers of the Academy of Athens and the Medical Biological Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, as well as the scientific staff of the Hellenic Geological and Mineral Research Authority (E.A.G.M.E.) of article 25 of Law 4602 /2019 (A' 45), as long as he has a doctoral degree and research activity relevant to the subject of the D.D., or from recognized research centers or institutes abroad and have the same or related subject matter as the D.D. in question.

d) At least one (1) D.E.P. member participates in the Three-Member Advisory Committee. from the first three levels of the relevant Department. The number of non-serving D.E.P. Members who participate as members in the three-member advisory committee may not exceed one (1).

Replacement of supervisor or members of the Three-Member Advisory Committee

  1. If any of the members of the Three-Member Advisory Committee, including the supervisor , disappears or is unable to fulfill his/her duties, upon his/her request or the Y.D. or of the supervising professor , by decision of the Department Assembly, his/her replacement may be appointed until the completion of the preparation of the D.D.
  2. If the supervisor or member of the Three-Member Advisory Committee moves to another Department of the same or another A.E.I. or retires, he may continue to hold the status of supervisor of the D.D., if he consents, and the title is awarded by the A.E.I., to which belongs the Department that started the preparation of the D.D.

Article 14

Evaluation – Awarding of the doctoral degree

  1. After completing the writing of the D.D. and the submission of the last memorandum regarding its progress to the three-member advisory committee, Y.D. submits a request for this public support in accordance with what is defined in the regulation of doctoral studies. The President of the Department must check whether the Y.D. meets all the criteria of par. 2 of this article and sends it for control to the Quality Assurance Unit (MO.DIP.) of the Foundation. Then and since the MO.D.I.P. confirms that the conditions of the publications of this regulation are met, sends a transmission to the Department and the Department may set up the seven-member examination committee.

The Assembly of the Department, after examining the written positive recommendation of the Three-Member Advisory Committee, by its decision appoints a Seven-Member Examining Committee for the judgment and evaluation of the D.D. The members of the Three-member Advisory Committee and four (4) more members, who are designated by the relevant Law and have a documented research project, as evidenced by published works on the SCOPUS database, in the subject of the D. D. First and second degree relatives of Y.D. they cannot be members of the Seven-member Committee. At least four (4) of the seven (7) members of the Examining Committee must be Members of the D.E.P. of the University of Western Macedonia. Up to two (2) D.E.P. Members may participate in the seven-member committee. from abroad, who may be members of the Three-member Advisory Committee.

  1. If the recommendation of par. 1 is not submitted to the Assembly of the Department or if it is negative, the procedure may be continued at the request of the candidate, if deemed appropriate by the Assembly of the Department.
  2. The examination of the D.D. takes place at the latest within 60 days from the date of appointment of the Seven-Member Examining Committee by the Assembly of the Department and transmission of the D.D. to the committee members. If the two-month deadline has passed, the Seven-Member Examining Committee must be re-appointed by the Department's Assembly on the recommendation of the supervisor .
  3. The D.D. is publicly supported by Y.D. before the seven-member examination committee, which puts questions to the candidate. The meeting for the public support of D.D. it can also be carried out using video conferencing, as long as the physical presence of all the members of the examination committee is not possible, in accordance with the current legislation. After the completion of the D.D.'s support, the seven-member examination committee meets without the presence of third parties, evaluates the D.D. in terms of its quality, completeness, original thinking and contribution to science and based on these criteria, approves or rejects the award of the Doctoral Degree. For the awarding of the doctoral degree, the consent and positive evaluation of the D.D. is required. by at least five (5) members. Y.D. must send in printed or electronic form the D.D. to the members of the Seven-Member Examining Committee (after consultation) at least twenty (20) days before the date of its support.
  4. In case of approval, the seven-member examination committee evaluates the D.D. with the grades GOOD, VERY GOOD or EXCELLENT. It is possible, following a decision of the Committee, to be awarded, due to the exceptional quality of the D.D., the Doctoral Title with the mention "Excellence with Honors".
  5. The meeting and the entire examination process is coordinated by the supervisor .
  6. With the date of approval of the D.D. from the Seven-Member Examining Committee the status of doctor is acquired . The declaration by the Assembly of the Department has an affirmative nature.

Article 15

 Proclamation of Ph.Ds

The Assembly announces and acknowledges Y.D. at a public Meeting of the Department, in the presence of the Director The President of the Department brings to the attention of the Board the Minutes certifying the successful completion of the oral presentation and evaluation process of the D.D. and the announcement and confirmation of the candidate follows. The Rector or the Vice-Rector is present at the Meeting, while the Dean may also be present.

The announcement and recognition ceremony and the type of Doctoral Degree of the Doctor follow the Standards of relevant Decisions of the Senate of the University of Western Macedonia.

Y.D. before his/her announcement and recognition by the Department Assembly, he/she may request the granting of a Certificate of Successful Completion.

The Doctor is granted a Copy of Doctoral Diploma. The Doctoral Diploma (membrane), is signed by the Rector, the President and the Head of the Department's Secretariat and bears the seal of the University of Western Macedonia.

Article 16

 Reasons for Deletion

The Assembly of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, after a recommendation by the Three-member Advisory Committee, can decide to delete a Doctoral Candidate. The reasons for deletion are documented in the decision.

In particular, insufficient progress of the PhD candidate is documented with at least two (2) negative Progress Reports. Failure to submit a progress report is tantamount to a negative recommendation.

The doctoral candidate is removed automatically upon his/her request.


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